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St. Andrew Presbyterian Church


​​Weekly Calendar at a Glance 

  • Sunday Morning Worship – Feb. 2 at 9:30 am. - Rev. Eric Koenig-Reinke

  • ABQ Philharmonic Orchestra rehearses on Monday at 7:00

  • New Mexico Peace Choir rehearses on Wednesday at 6:30 pm

  • Encantada rehearses on Sunday at 3 pm

  • Worship Choir rehearses on Thursday at 6:30 pm 

  • Stroke Club – Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in the Adult C.E. Room


The worship bulletin link for Sunday morning is listed below. Click on the blue link below to download the worship bulletin for the service to your computer and print it out. Join us either in-person, or from home. At the top of our church website – place your cursor over the "Live Stream" button – Then, click on the "Live Stream" button to watch the live service on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. If you have Joys and Concerns to share during our Prayers of the People, please email them to Pastor Eric by the end of the day on Saturday at:


Worship Bulletin - Sunday, Feb. 2


Worship Series: The Major Prophets

During the month of February, our worship series will focus on the "Major Prophets" Jeremiah (Feb 2), Isaiah, (Feb 9), Daniel (Feb 16), and Ezekial (Feb 23). The Major Prophets are so called, not because they are more important than the minor prophets, but because they are longer. As  "The Major Prophets are described as "major" because their books are longer, and the content has broad, even global implications. If the text required more than one scroll, the writer was a "major" prophet"  (Allan Davis). Learn about the prophetic witness of these individuals, the context in which they lived and worked, and the shape and character of each of these prophets.


Adult Christian Education

February 2 is the first Sunday of the month, so it's extended fellowship time in lieu of an adult CE class.  On February 9 we begin a 2-week series on The Healing Stories of Jesus with Pastor Eric.


Valentines in Fellowship, February 2

Let's get together! Join us to make Valentines Greetings for our 'at home' friends during Fellowship time, this Sunday, February 2. 


Presbyterian Women

Please join Presbyterian Women on Tuesday, February 4th, at 10:00 am in the adult CE room. We will be back to meeting in-person with Rev. Catherine Robinson leading our study of chapter 6 from “Let Justice Roll Down”.

We hope to see you there!


Hope Works

Hope Works is Monday, Feb. 10. St. Andrew provides 8 chicken/rice/vegetable casseroles, 8 dozen cookies/brownies, and a variety of other "groceries". The "other groceries" will be provided (purchased & delivered) by Linda Barnes, but we do still need 4 dozen cookies and 2-3 more casseroles. If you're willing to provide a casserole, please let Sharon Burkhardt know. Casseroles need to be at church by 11:15 am, on the 10th already heated. 



Santa Fe on February 3! Stand up and speak up in solidarity for immigrant and workers' rights by spending a day at the Legislature on February 3. Learn details about bills and talk with legislators. Sign up here to join in this well-organized Day of Action!



Slow Mountain Walkers are going “Down by the Riverside” on Saturday, February 8. 

The Slow Mountain Walkers will leave from the church at 2 PM on Saturday February 8 to drive down to the west end of Candelaria Blvd to see the Rio Grande Nature Center and walk through the river woodlands out to the Rio Grande.  We will see interesting trees and bushes, beaver chewed trees, a gentle river, and birds, birds, birds!  Except for walking over the levee, this walk is absolutely flat!  We should be back at the church by about 4:30. There are restrooms at the Nature Center.  Parking at the Nature Center is $3 dollars. Contact Joe Woodworth for more information or to let me know you’re planning to come. 


Request from Debbie Steffen

Debbie Steffen has a friend, with a budget of $3,000, in need of a used car. If anyone has a vehicle or knows someone who does please let me know.


Winter Clothes for our Neighborhood Friends

 Our Neighborhood Friends need warm long-sleeved shirts, jackets, coats, long pants, gloves and hats, and gently used shoes, for men and women, in all sizes.  Please check your closet for those items you no longer use. Clothes should be CLEAN and without tears or holes and have NO ANIMAL HAIR.  New socks and underwear are always welcome. CLEAN blankets and sleeping bags are also needed.   Call Sharon Craig if you have questions.


Historical Jesus Group

The Historical Jesus Group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month on Zoom. Join the conversation online using the Zoom link below:



Spiritual Formation Group

Spiritual Formation group meets on first and third Thursdays at 10:00 am via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link:

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St. Andrew's Vision

Building a community of faith unleashed into the world by the love of God

Our Mission:

Proclaiming and living the Good News of Jesus Christ by:

-- Listening to a loving God

-- Celebrating our faith together
-- Nurturing each other in Christian love and spiritual    


-- Working for social justice and peace

-- Reaching out in compassionate Service

-- Being stewards of all God's gift

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St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 

5301 Ponderosa Ave NE 

Albuquerque, NM 87110 

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday / 8:30 am -2:30 pm


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