St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Weekly Calendar at a Glance
Sunday Morning Worship – March 9 at 9:30 am. - Rev. Eric Koenig-Reinke
ABQ Philharmonic Orchestra rehearses on Monday at 7:00
New Mexico Peace Choir rehearses on Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Encantada rehearses on Sunday at 3 pm
Worship Choir rehearses on Thursday at 6:30 pm
Stroke Club – Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in the Adult C.E. Room
The worship bulletin link for Sunday morning is listed below. Click on the blue link below to download the worship bulletin for the service to your computer and print it out. Join us either in-person, or from home. At the top of our church website www.standrewabq.org – place your cursor over the "Live Stream" button – Then, click on the "Live Stream" button to watch the live service on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. If you have Joys and Concerns to share during our Prayers of the People, please email them to Pastor Eric by the end of the day on Saturday at: standrewpastoreric@gmail.com.
Worship Bulletin - Sunday, March 9
Ash Wednesday Service, 6 pm
Join us for the Ash Wednesday service this evening at St. Andrew at 6 pm for the Imposition of Ashes and Communion. Access the the bulletin here.
Updated Out-Of-Office Hours for Pastor Eric
Pastor Eric will be having out-of-office hours on Fridays, 9:30-11 am at a new location: The Daily Grind at 4360 Cutler Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110.
Lenten Small Groups
This Lent, we are offering three different small group opportunities. I hope that if you are able, you take advantage of one of these opportunities to grow spiritually and to build community.
Small Group 1: Sundays at 4:30 PM (begins March 9);
Small Group 2: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM (begins March 12) ;
Small Group 3: Thursdays at 5:00 PM (begins March 6).
Sign-up Sheets will be available at church, and you can sign up by contacting the office.
For more information click here!
Adult CE
In adult Christian education today, Bill Miller and Bruce Smith begin a 5-week Lenten series entitled: What Are We Called to Do? Five Central Themes in the Teachings of Jesus. If you were to name five core themes in Jesus's message, what would they be? Today's core teaching is on Lovingkindness.
Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night. Otherwise you'll be arriving at worship just in time for the final hymn!
FaithWorks Office Move! PO Box 40482, ABQ, 87196 is still good for a mailing address, but our physical address is changing to member congregation Central United Methodist Church on University/Central. We are moving this coming weekend - Come and see the new digs!
Gas Cards? If your congregation would like more gas cards to give to people coming to your door, contact Hannah Albee at FW: halbee@abqfaithworks.org.
New ID Clinic: The Cathedral of St John will be offering an ID clinic starting in April, along with Central Methodist. Both the precariously-housed and migrants can benefit from this service.
BCBS Blue Bear Van: The Blue Cross/Blue Shield Blue Bear Public Health van can come to your congregation or school offering public health services such as taking vitals, dental checks and vaccinations. Contact Hannah to schedule a couple months in advance. halbee@abqfaithworks.org.
Volunteers Needed. ABQ FaithWorks is looking for Spanish speakers to work with asylum-seeking families resident in Albuquerque. Email info@abqfaithworks.org for training and to walk with a family in this challenging time.
New Church Directory
The new directory is ready! In order to save paper, please let Birgitta know if you would like a new directory, so we print only as many as we need. There will be a directory sign up in the narthex. If you need a new directory mailed to you, please email Birgitta.
New Visitor Brochure
We have updated the brochure that we give to visitors. Copies are available on
the table by the door in the narthex. ~ The Outreach Committee
Church Women United
Church Women United, an ecumenical Christian women’s movement, will observe the annual WORLD DAY OF PRAYER on Friday, March 7th at First Presbyterian Church (215 Locust Ave. NE). The women of Cook Islands, located near New Zealand and Australia, prepared the worship service, entitled “I MADE YOU WONDERFUL”. It invites us to recognize that God created each one of us with great attention and loving care. The morning begins at 9:00 a.m. with coffee, refreshments and good conversation, followed by the service at 9:30. There will be two offerings. One will go to the World Day of Prayer Committee, the second for CWU in NM. ALL the women from your congregation are invited to join us and bring a friend! Questions? Contact CWU President, Shirley Nilsson at 505-463-3657 or email her at sfnils@swcp.com.
David LaMotte Concert
Join us for an evening of music and faith on March 8 at 7:00 PM in the Covenant Presbyterian Church Sanctuary.
David LaMotte is a songwriter, speaker, author, and activist. As a singer, David has performed over 3500 concerts and released thirteen full length CDs. He has toured in all fifty states and on five of the seven continents. His most recent album, Still, was in the top twenty on Folk Radio for six months, and his song, September Me, reached number one in September of 2022. David has been a featured performer at top tier music festivals worldwide, including the Kerrville Folk Festival, Lake Eden Arts Festival, Merlefest, the Auckland Folk Festival (NZ) and the Australian National Folk Festival. Tickets are available ONLINE ONLY. There will be no ticket sales at the door.
For tickets, please click here.
Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts
The Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra will be giving two concerts in March:
the first is Friday, March 7, 7:30 PM at First Unitarian Church, 3701 Carlisle NE, Albuquerque, and the second is Sunday, March 9, 3:00 PM, at V. Sue Cleveland High School, 4800 Cleveland Heights Rd. NE, Rio Rancho. Concerts will run approximately 90 minutes, and you can enjoy home-baked goodies at intermission. The concerts are free, but donations are appreciated. Children are welcome!
Musical Theatre Southwest: The Man of La Mancha
This show runs Feb. 28 - March 23 and features Rev. Matthew Miller of First Presbyterian Church, Albuquerque, as Don Quixote. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.mtsabq.org/ .
Neighborhood Friends
Here is a wish list for our Neighborhood Friends: men’s clothing size small and medium, men’s belts, new socks, shoes for both men and women. We also need plastic carry bags for the items they choose. Blankets and sleeping bags are always welcome. Questions? Call Sharon Craig.
Historical Jesus Group
The Historical Jesus Group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month on Zoom. Join the conversation online using the Zoom link below:
Spiritual Formation Group
Spiritual Formation group meets on first and third Thursdays at 10:00 am via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link:

St. Andrew's Vision
Building a community of faith unleashed into the world by the love of God
Our Mission:
Proclaiming and living the Good News of Jesus Christ by:
-- Listening to a loving God
-- Celebrating our faith together
-- Nurturing each other in Christian love and spiritual
-- Working for social justice and peace
-- Reaching out in compassionate Service
-- Being stewards of all God's gift