St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
At St. Andrew, we consider the use of our building as an important part of our ministry. In addition to many beautiful weddings, and other family celebrations, we support non-profit groups and organizations by providing space at a very reasonable cost.
Use can be one-time, occasional or regular. Requests may be made in writing or to the church administrator at (505) 881-9626, Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, or email at adm.standrewabq@gmail.com. Requests need to be submitted at least a month in advance. All non-church groups need to be approved by the Session
The fee schedule includes the use of the spaces for a period of four hours plus a key deposit.
An hourly rate will apply after four hours.
The user must be offering a valued service to the community that is in agreement with the mission statement of the congregation. Priority will be given to Presbyterian and Presbyterian-related groups (fee may be waived), organizations to which members of the congregation belong, and nonprofit organizations.
Except for weddings and memorial services, the church facilities will be available
to outside organizations on Saturdays on a limited basis.
Organizations must have Session approval for
(1) waiver of scheduled fees,
(2) special arrangements,
(3) activity with fee for attendance,
(4) sale of items, and
(5) any Saturday building use.
It has been the tradition that groups (nonprofit) to which members of the congregation belong will pay a reduced fee for use of the facilities.