St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Presbyterians have always valued education. At St. Andrew we believe it is our responsibility to take seriously our baptismal vows to nurture, educate, and guide one another in the teachings, example, and living word of Christ. We see the church as a learning community, a place where we come together to learn about God, the Bible, the Christian tradition, and how to live out our faith in the world as followers of Jesus Christ.
We strive to meet the Christian Education needs of all of our church’s members and friends. Through adult classes, the nursery, groups for women, men, and people who like to read, we seek to be a congregation of people who understand that spiritual growth is a life-long journey.
Christian Education meets after worship service on Sundays 11:00am-12:00pm. Nursery care is available for young children.
Adult Christian Education
Because education of the Christian mind is a lifelong process, and St. Andrew offers adults a variety of opportunities every Sunday during the CE hour. Our congregation is blessed with a wealth of talented and learned presenters who lead classes on scripture and theology, environmental and social justice issues, prayer and healing, personal and spiritual growth, world religions, and our own Presbyterian heritage. For more information, or ideas about future topics, call the church at 881-9626. Updates can also be found in the Presbytidings Newsletter, or the Announcements.

Presbyterian Women
A real sense of mission, involvement, and concern is present at each gathering of Presbyterian Women. We pray for each other, members and friends, for the church in community and the church in the world. We support the Birthday Offering and Thank Offering and participate in other projects that provide relief and help to women and children in need. PW offers a Bible Study each month as well as an informative program about the church at work in the community. All women are welcome and invited to participate.
Women's Book Group
The Women's Book Group meets every 4th Wednesday of the month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, August thru May, for food, fellowship, fun, and of course, shared reading. Books cover a broad range of topics, from bibical history to science and spirituality, and the occasional good novel. For current readings, check Presbytidings Newsletter.
Historical Jesus Group
Open to any one interested in exploring the impact and implementation of God's word in the present time. Discussions range from current political, social, and economic issues, to the founding tenets of Christianity. Selected books and articles provide the basis for lively discussion, differing opinions, and ideas. Meets Second & Fourth Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom.
Spiritual Formation Group
A small group of individuals who study the scriptures in an effort to better understand the word of God and ways to apply the teachings of Jesus. Aims to take a deep dive into scripture, opening minds and hearts to whatever God may convey to us through the Word. We usually choose passages from the daily lectionary, reading each aloud, and discussing what meanings we find in them. We also make use of the excellent Bible study resources in the library to better understand the original language, context, and meaning. Meets First & Third Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom.
Racial Justice Group
A weekly conversation about current events, personal experiences, books and videos having to do with racism, white supremacy, and what can be done about it.
Meets Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom.