St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Pledges and Donations Welcome
To facilitate our financial planning (budget), we encourage the use of pledges for the year. If you would like to make a pledge for this year or next year, contact our Financial Secretary, Marie St. Claire, for more information and a pledge card.
Contributions can be made during the Sunday church service or mailed into St Andrew Presbyterian Church using the address below
We also provide the opportunity to contribute to the church on-line. The contribution can be a one time payment or an automatic, periodic payment. We encourage our members to make automatic, periodic payments using their bank, but if that service isn't available through their bank, it is available here, through the Presbyterian Foundation ("GIVE NOW" button below). The "GIVE NOW" button takes you to a page where you have to choose the Fund for the donation:
General Fund
Building Fund
Other - This is for specific special donations. List he purpose of your contribution in the “Notes” section at the bottom of the page where you enter your payment information.
Payments can be made by automatic withdrawals from a checking or savings account or by using a credit card - Master Card, VISA, Discover, or American Express. We encourage the use of an automatic withdrawal from a checking or savings account because the fees paid by us for this service are less than those paid for credit card donations.
We are thankful for any and all contributions that give us the opportunity to serve in Jesus' name.