St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Worship at St. Andrew is central to the life of our congregation and one of the primary ways guests first connect with us. Every Sunday, we weave together music, scripture, prayer, meditation, biblical teaching, and a beautiful space to create a worship service that includes both traditional and contemporary elements. Worship nurtures our spirits. It supports and strengthens us to put our faith into action, to live it out in the world—in our relationships with other people and with God’s creation.
Music is a vital part of our worship life, and that is why we so value the ministry of our director of music, David Ziems, our church musicians, JoAnn Rice and Denise Baccadutre, and the many church members who contribute to our music ministry as singers and instrumentalists.
Christian Education
Presbyterians have always valued education. At St. Andrew we believe it is our responsibility to take seriously our baptismal vows to nurture, educate, and guide one another in the teachings, example, and living word of Christ. We see the church as a learning community, a place where we come together to learn about God, the Bible, the Christian tradition, and how to live out our faith in the world as followers of Jesus Christ. We strive to meet the Christian Education needs of all of our church’s members and friends. We seek to be a congregation of people who understand that spiritual growth is a life-long journey.
St. Andrew is known for its commitment to social justice and mission. We give generously to the work of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) nationally and regionally through the Presbytery of Santa Fe. We also provide financial and hands-on support to a variety of local missions in our community, such as FaithWorks, HopeWorks, Family Promise, the Rio Grande Food Project, and Habitat for Humanity. In addition, we minister to hungry and homeless friends in the area by providing them with sack lunches, clothing, and toiletries on Sundays.
St. Andrew is a community of believers who care for one another. As a church, we offer people shelter—a place of safety and security, a place of peace and understanding, a place of rest and renewal. Through our outreach and fellowship committees, we extend a welcome to all and offer hospitality to strengthen the ties that bind us together. We provide a gathering place for the people of God, where individuals can find companions to accompany them on the journey of faith. Our pastor and deacons offer people nurture and support. We uphold people in times of joy and sorrow. We share in one another’s struggles and celebrations. We feed people physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Our Ministies our divided into 4 basic components:
Christian Education