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St. Andrew is known for its commitment to social justice and mission. We give generously to the work of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) nationally and regionally through the Presbytery of Santa Fe. We also provide financial and hands-on support to a variety of local missions in our community, such as Habitat for Humanity, Albuquerque Interfaith, Rio Grande Food Project, Family Promise, and HopeWorks. In addition, we minister to friends in the Montgomery Park neighborhood who are hungry and/or homeless by providing them with a hot meal on Sundays, as well as sack lunches, clothing, and toiletries. We also promote health and wholeness in body, mind, and spirit, through our health care ministry to members and friends of St. Andrew and in collaboration with community organizations devoted to health and wellness. 



Share Your Care: St. Andrew has dedicated weekday use of our building to Share Your Care, a major local mission partner. Share Your Care offers adult day care services to developmentally disabled adults in Albuquerque. 

Neighborhood Friends Sunday Lunch Ministry: Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. (following worship) St. Andrew provides lunch, clothes, and toiletries to people who are hungry and/or homeless. 

FaithWorks: Through the ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative, St. Andrew works with other congregations to leverage shared resources in support of asylum seekers and people who are unhoused, or at the risk of becoming so.​


HopeWorks: St. Andrew provides food and serves the hungry bimonthly at HopeWorks in partnership with Second Presbyterian Church. 


Family Promise: St. Andrew is one of 20 congregations that provides food, transportation, and companionship to families temporarily without a home.


Habitat for Humanity: In support of decent, affordable housing in Albuquerque, St. Andrew raises funds, provides workers on the construction site, and makes lunches for workers each year. 


Health Ministries: Promotes health & wholeness in body, mind, and spirit. Central to this program are members/friends of the church -- “Knowledgeable Friends” -- willing to be confidential resource persons to those having public benefit problems or health-related concerns. We also participate in Christian Education, maintain a library, and collaborate with community organizations devoted to health and wellness. 


Asylum Seekers Support: Some of our members provide hospitality for asylum seekers who transit through Albuquerque on the way to their sponsors.

SHINE Partnership: Through a partnership with Del Norte Baptist Church, Governor Bent Elementary School, and the Albuquerque SHINE organization, St. Andrew is involved in addressing poverty in our own neighborhood. We are working together to improve student learning, strengthen families, and build healthier communities. 

On the first Sunday of every month, we collect non-perishable food and canned goods for Feed the Kids Bags, which go home with students on Fridays.

Souper Bowl Sunday: An annual hunger offering received for local food projects.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: The Prayer Shawl Ministry is one way the St Andrew community can reach out to others who may need a special blessing. This ministry strives to bring God’s love through the comfort and warmth of hand-made shawls.  A member begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient and the intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Shawls can be used for: undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; prayer or meditation; commitment or marriage ceremonies; birthing; wedding gift; rites of passage; during an illness and recovery; ordination or anniversaries.


Albuquerque Forum on Faith & Politics: A series of public conversations on critical issues at the intersection of faith and politics hosted by St. Andrew on occasional Sundays at 3:00 p.m.


Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign: Seeks to legislate a health plan that will ensure comprehensive health care for all New Mexicans.


Bread for the World: St. Andrew participates in the annual Offering of Letters urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.


Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-New Mexico: During legislative sessions in Santa Fe, St. Andrew works with LAM-NM to advocate for justice in public policy, with a particular emphasis on alleviating poverty and hunger. 


Basic Mission Support: We support the mission work of the Presbytery of Santa Fe, the Synod of the Southwest, and the PC(USA) General Assembly through our pledges and offerings.

One Great Hour of Sharing: This Easter offering supports the Presbyterian Hunger Program (hunger, homeless, and affordable housing concerns), Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (immediate disaster relief at home and abroad), and Self Development of People (grants to locally run programs and cooperatives).


Pentecost Offering: 60% of this offering goes to PC(USA) programs for youth ministries, Young Adult Volunteers, and Child Advocacy. We retain 40% for local children-at-risk programs.


Peace & Global Witness Offering: This offering is received on World Communion Sunday in early October. 50% supports the General Assembly’s Peacemaking ministries, 25% is retained by the Synod and Presbytery for peacemaking projects, and we retain 25% to support our own peacemaking efforts.


Christmas Joy Offering: During the Advent season we are asked to support faithful servants of the church who are in need, as well as church-affiliated racial/ethnic schools and colleges. The Christmas Joy Offering is split equally between these two groups in our denominational family.


Presbyterian Women:  With a more than 200-year history, Presbyterian Women (PW) support the church’s mission, working and praying for justice, peace, and reconciliation. Beyond their annual pledge to St Andrew, the women of PW pledge support to the Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly, and to Global Mission projects of the PC(USA). This undesignated gift, combined with PW chapter donations from across the nation, makes up a significant portion of the GA’s Mission Budget. Additionally PW supports:


Fellowship Of The Least Coin Prayer Offering: This is a worldwide Church Women United offering that emphasizes praying for peace and reconciliation. It funds special project grants for evangelism, service, women’s awareness, ecumenism, and relief throughout the world.



Birthday Offering: Grants ($25K - $250K) fund an array of projects not covered by direct GA mission funding. Agricultural development, childcare, justice issues, counseling, and women’s concerns are just a few of the types of projects funded.


Thank Offering: As part of our tangible gifts of thanks, PW collects this offering which is used to support hospitals and community health programs for the most needy members of God’s community (40%). 60% supports new and creative ideas in mission.


St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 

5301 Ponderosa Ave NE 

Albuquerque, NM 87110 

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday / 8:30 am -2:30 pm


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