St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Worship at St. Andrew is central to the life of our congregation and one of the primary ways guests first connect with us. Every Sunday, we weave together music, scripture, prayer, meditation, Biblical teaching, and a beautiful space to create a worship service that includes both traditional and contemporary elements. We also share our joys and concerns with one another and lift them to God in prayer. And every month we celebrate the sacrament of communion together. Worship nurtures our spirits. It supports and strengthens us to put our faith into action, to live it out in the world—in our relationships with other people and with God’s creation.
Music & the Arts
Music is a vital part of our worship life, and that is why we so value the ministry of our director of music, Julie Taylor, our church musician, Denise Baccadutre, and the many church members who contribute to our music ministry as singers and instrumentalists. In addition to music, we incorporate the arts into worship through the display of colorful banners and occasionally through other media, such as video, dance, or reader's theater.
The choir at St. Andrew is made up of about 20 members. They practice on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm. The choir has a broad repertory, from folk songs to classical choir music.
Reader's Theater
Reader's Theater uses the scriptures and other relevant works to bring the Bible to life. Groups perform several times each year.
St. Andrew has many banners to choose from to set the tone in the congregation. Banners are used to reflect the seasons of the church calendar, as well as for special events like baptisms, weddings and confirmation.
Stained Glass Windows
We have a beautiful "Rose Window" located at the front of the sanctuary above the cross. The set of clerestory windows depicting the sun shining over the New Mexico landscape were designed by a church member and made by members of the congregation.

Font, Table & Pulpit
These three pieces are carved from laminated wood, and their graceful shape lends to the serene, organic feel of the sanctuary.
Our Cross was carved by Bob Shepperson, a retired minister who is part of our congregation.
St Andrew follows the ecumenical Revised Common Lectionary. Click here for the Lectionary.
Children in Worship
All children are encouraged to attend church with their parents. Activity bags and a children's bulletin support children through worship. Families also have alternative seating available with rocking chairs and room to spread out. A children's area is available near the rocking chairs for those who need a space for extra wiggles. For children needing to leave the service, the narthex has seating, and the service can be heard on speakers.
Hearing Assistance
The sanctuary has a Loop system. With this system you can check out a headset and adjust the volume of the service in your head set. Or if you have hearing aids with a T-Coil, you can turn your T-Coil on and hear the service directly in your hearing aids. More Information